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Immediate Assistance

需要紧急援助的是,任何感到身体受到威胁或被 身体侵犯的受害者,包括性侵犯,应该拨打911. You can also 请致电817-257-7777联系TCU警察,他们可以联系到相应的TCU管理员 每天24小时,每周7天,或沃斯堡警察局.

Any person (e.g., student, staff, faculty, visitor) may report what they believe to 被歧视、骚扰、性行为不端或报复的行为 Title IX 协调员,或第九条副官员,或机构公平办公室 (OIE).

投诉或举报歧视、骚扰、性行为不端和报复 should be made as soon as possible after an incident. All individuals are engaged 举报歧视、骚扰、性行为不端和报复,以便及时 effective action can be taken. All complaints and third-party reports of conduct in 违反大学禁止的歧视、骚扰、性行为不端、 和报复政策应该提交给机构公平办公室 IX Coordinator, or to a Deputy Title IX Officer.  
There are several ways to submit a Title IX complaint or report.

  • Make an OIE report;
  • Leave a private message for the Title IX Coordinator at 817-257-8228;
  • File a written complaint with the Title IX Coordinator;
  • 预约见第九章协调员或第九章副协调员 Officers;
  • 投诉学生涉嫌犯下的行为 违反此政策的,也可以向bc体育和教务处投诉

Dr. Andrea McDew
Title IX Coordinator
The Harrison Suite 1800
TCU Box 298920
Fort Worth TX 76129

第九条协调员负责协调、实施和监督 遵守1972年教育修正案第九条(第九条),暴力 Against Women Act (VAWA), the Campus Save Act and the Clery Act. The Title IX Coordinator 协调和跟踪所有第九条投诉和涉嫌违反的报告  教务大学的歧视、骚扰、不当性行为及报复政策. The Title IX协调员可以处理指控违反本政策或其他政策的投诉 appropriate University official. Additionally, the Title IX Coordinator can provide bc体育TCUbc体育第九条政策的信息,并将确保此类投诉 are addressed by the appropriate University officials. The Title IX Coordinator will 协助当事各方接受支助服务,并为任何临时措施提供便利 during the investigation.

收到可能违反教务组禁止歧视政策的举报后, 骚扰、不当性行为和报复,世界动物卫生组织将进行初步调查 决定应根据该报告采取哪些行动,包括是否采取临时行动 Measures are appropriate; and the next steps for resolving the Report, including whether 投诉人(如有)或世界动物卫生组织将提交书面投诉,并进行调查 an Investigation.

Initial Inquiry

作为初步调查的一部分,世界动物卫生组织将:联系报告事件的人员 conduct, if appropriate; contact the Complainant, if any; assess the nature of the Report; address immediate needs of the Complainant and the campus community; implement or recommend Interim Measures, as appropriate; discuss available options for resolution with the Complainant; provide the Complainant with information about resources both on and off campus; and assess for pattern evidence or other similar conduct by the Respondent. This assessment will continue until the OIE has sufficient information to determine an appropriate course of action to resolve the Report.

Investigation and the Formal Resolution of a Complaint

如果投诉人或OIE提交投诉,OIE将指派一名调查员 to conduct the Investigation. In the Investigation and formal resolution of any Complaint, 被投诉人被推定对投诉书中指称的行为不负责任, 在正式协议结束时作出的任何有关责任的决定 解决程序,包括任何听证会或提供给学生答辩的其他程序 根据学生行为准则或根据适用规定提供给任何雇员答复 TCU policies.

通常,在提交投诉后的四十五(45)个日历日内, 调查人员将准备一份收集和考虑的信息摘要 由调查人员提供,包括证人提供的资料摘要 and a list of any documents or other any materials considered. This summary will not 包括任何初步调查结果调查员将提供访问权限 向投诉人和被投诉人提供摘要和任何文件或其他信息 relevant materials considered by the investigator(s). Access will be provided to the 双方和顾问以电子形式提交,或提供硬拷贝. The 双方将有十(10)个日历日的时间提交书面答复。 will consider prior to the completion of the Investigative Report. The investigator(s) 将在收到调查报告后的七(7)个日历日内完成调查报告 当事各方在审查摘要后提出的意见或补充资料.

如果被投诉人是一名雇员,最终调查人员的报告将包括一项决定 调查人员的责任,以及制裁和/或补救措施的建议. 机构公平办公室(兽疫局)将向兽疫厅提供这份报告 Human Resources and appropriate management.

如果被调查者是一名学生,最终调查报告将不包括任何 investigative findings or determination of responsibility. The OIE will deliver the 向bc体育办公室报告,以确定责任 and appropriate sanctions and/or remedies. In making such determinations, the Campus 生活教务处将遵循下列适用的学生行为规范 TCU的学生行为准则,包括提供听证会的强化程序 if required to do so by federal Title IX regulations.

有关第九条的更多信息或查询,您可以访问 Office for Civil Rights for the address and phone number of the U. S. Department of Education office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.

投诉人或被投诉人可自行选择一名英语翻译 to assist them with the process. Individuals have often sought assistance from professors, 顾问和朋友或家人,当语言成为充分参与的障碍. 口译员可以陪同个人与顾问一起参加正式会议。 但他们在官方会议上的作用将仅限于语言翻译.

投诉人或被投诉人应及时通知负责下列事项的调查人员 他们的调查,如果他们可能需要住宿的过程中的任何部分. 他们将讨论什么样的住宿可能适合他们的特殊情况.

证据优势标准是TCU要求的证明标准 investigation procedures for Title IX cases. It is also referred to as “more likely than not” and is equivalent to 50.1% or “50% plus a feather.” The University will 找出违反禁止歧视、骚扰、 性行为不端和报复政策当证据支持的发现为基础 on a preponderance of the evidence.

“排除合理怀疑”是适用于刑事审判的证据标准. 这是一个非常高的证据标准,远远大于优势 of the evidence standard. This standard of evidence is NOT used in the conduct investigations 通过机构公平办公室或bc体育办公室提供便利.

在最初的询问和调查期间,被告和投诉人没有 作为调查或非正式解决方案的一部分,必须彼此见面或交谈. 届时,所有沟通将通过机构办公室进行 Equity. 在正式聆讯过程中,由公署协助 在bc体育中,聚会将在同一个房间举行,无论是虚拟的还是现实的.

Yes. 双方都有机会请证人和调查员出庭作证 will make every effort to speak with every witness. The investigator may also identify additional witnesses. Both parties may also provide any relevant evidence. Evidence 通常由短信、电子邮件、照片、视频或其他文档组成. Evidence 是否有任何信息证实或反驳投诉,以及双方 will have equal opportunity to present evidence and witnesses.

性侵犯医学法医检查由受过专门训练的医务人员进行 bc体育人员以评估和治疗创伤为目的,进行治疗 可能接触到感染转诊咨询和后续医疗护理 以及在一名受害者性侵报告后收集证据. 病人的医疗健康是SANE的首要目标 times during the examination.

德克萨斯州提供报告和不报告选项,允许幸存者 为了获得法医检查并收集证据 没有代价的受害者,即使他们不希望涉及执法 the time of evidence collection.

正式调查遵循规定的程序,并将以正式的 finding and outcome.  In nearly all cases, discipline and sanctions can only occur after a formal investigation is complete.  However, if the preponderance of the evidence 如果不符合标准,就不会有纪律,案件就会结案.  An 非正式解决方案是一种教育过程,可以迅速解决问题 保密的,最后可能会有也可能不会有正式的调查结果 sanction.

除机密人员外,所有TCU员工都被视为强制性记者. 他们有义务立即向第九条协调员报告任何行为 提出第九条和/或《bc体育》(VAWA)问题,包括任何 性骚扰、歧视等的报告、投诉或指控 与未经同意的性交或接触有关的被禁止的行为形式; 性剥削,亲密伴侣暴力,跟踪和报复涉及 any member of the TCU community.

以下员工在接收来自以下机构的信息时属于机密资源 在学生背景下提供bc体育服务:心理咨询中心、健康中心 中心,认证保密律师,任命神职人员,包括任命 TCU宗教和精神生活办公室的大学牧师,在他们的 professional capacities.

According to Texas Education Code Section 51.282 (f), the  University must review 该机构的性骚扰,性侵犯,约会暴力和跟踪行为 政策,并经大学董事会批准,修改该政策 as necessary. For example, the TCU Board of Trustees conducts a biennial review of the sexual misconduct policies at the full Board meeting in April. Additionally, the 机构公平办公室(OIE)对机构的资金进行年度审查  性骚扰,性侵犯,约会暴力,跟踪政策 basis.