



这个词 被调查者 refers to someone who is accused of violating TCU’s Prohibited 歧视, 骚扰, 不当性行为和报复政策. 机构公平办公室(OIE) will treat all parties with respect and ensure the investigation is executed as thoroughly, 尽可能公平和高效.

If a complainant seeks disciplinary action against you or is pursuing a formal complaint 报告歧视,骚扰或相关行为,第九条协调员 或者他们的指定人员将与您会面,概述下一步工作并讨论资源.


If you feel you are in immediate danger of harm by another person or yourself, call TCU警方在 817-257-7777 or 911. 首先满足身体和情感需求是很重要的.


机密资源根据联邦和州法律予以保密. 这些资源 will not share any identifiable information with OIE, the police, parents or anyone 其他未经许可的情况,除非有迫在眉睫的危险 伤害自己、他人或校园社区. 请参阅常见问题解答部分 查看TCU的机密资源列表.


第九条协调员 or their designee will meet with the complainant to discuss the report, next steps, resources and options to file an informal or formal complaint. Receiving a letter of notice does not mean the 被调查者 has been found in violation 政策的. 这意味着调查已经开始,以确定是否有 违反政策.

调查过程可能是紧张和复杂的. 这对投诉人很重要 了解程序和赋予他们的权利. 请致电817-257-8228与OIE联系 解答任何问题或疑虑. 您还可以查看 禁止歧视、骚扰、不当性行为和报复政策.


TCU有一个  强有力的打击报复政策,包括第三方. 大学不会容忍报复 善意举报或投诉性别歧视或性别歧视的人 骚扰、性暴力、家庭暴力、约会暴力或跟踪.

Nor does the university tolerate retaliation against those who testify, assist, participate in, or are a party to, any investigation, proceeding, or hearing involving such complaints.

If you 经验 retaliation in any form, please contact the 第九条 Coordinator Andrea Vircks at 817-257-8228 as soon as possible so that the retaliatory behavior 如果可能的话,可以处理和采取纪律处分吗.



Whenever a student is accused 政策的 violation, emotional responses will differ from person to person, especially if the policy violation in question is associated 性行为不端. 被指控性行为不端可能是一种痛苦和挑战 经验. 重要的是要记住,你对这些指控的回应是 对困难情况的正常反应. 如果你被指控性行为不端, 你可能会处理一些意想不到的情绪. 下面是 感受你的例子 可能 经验:

每当有人被指控性行为不端的时候,愤怒是一种常见的情绪. 有几种资源可以帮助您处理或处理任何问题 你正在经历的愤怒. 内化你的愤怒会让你变得易怒, 焦虑甚至抑郁. 在处理愤怒时,重要的是不要诉诸武力 to unhealthy manners of coping including the consumption of alcohol, the use of drugs, 对自己或他人造成伤害,或有其他破坏性行为.

恐惧可以有多种形式. 你可能正经历着对未知的恐惧 调查结果会影响你在大学的地位. 你可能也会担心怎么做 those closest to you perceive you along with other members of the university community. 此外,担心有人可能会报复你是很常见的. 如果你觉得 though you are being retaliated against, please see the section on retaliation above.

有了上面列出的所有情绪,你可能会觉得你的日常生活受到了影响. While participating in an investigation, it may become challenging to pay attention 在课堂上,坚持完成你的作业. 你生活的其他方面可能 be impacted include: sleep routine, change in appetite, increase in anxiety and depression. 可能会有临时措施. 如果你对临时措施有疑问, 请致电817-257-8228与第九条协调员联系.

被指控性行为不当可能会让你感到孤独或孤立. 它是 common for individuals who are accused to prefer not to discuss the situation with 因为害怕尴尬或别人对你的看法. 然而,说话 咨询师或顾问可能会帮助你处理你的经历 和感受.




你能做的第一件事就是倾听和支持. 听不 判断. 谈论所发生的事情可以帮助幸存者重新获得控制感. 让他们引导谈话,以及他们选择什么时候谈论它.

它是 often very difficult for survivors to talk about their 经验s and disbelief 会引起额外的疼痛. 害怕不被相信是人们真正关心的问题 谁经历过攻击或人际暴力.

支持幸存者,鼓励他们寻求帮助. 分享众多选项 以及可用的资源. 如果幸存者寻求医疗救助或计划申请 一份报告,提出去那里. 他们的报告或寻求支持的决定是幸存者的 独自一人,但你的参与可以是鼓励和积极的.

尊重幸存者,尊重他们的隐私和保密. 如果你不是 a mandatory reporter, it is not your place to share their story without their permission, 无论是在谈话中还是在社交媒体上.



Do not blame a survivor for what happened or make them feel guilty for what happened. 它是 important to understand that no matter what happened, it is not the survivor’s 的错.

Do not criticize or judge how a survivor reacted during or after the assault or related incident — why they stayed in an abusive relationship, whether they said no or not, 他们为什么不愿意报告这件事. 理解人们的不同反应 他们在经历创伤事件后更需要你的支持.

不要强迫幸存者做他们不想做的事. 在受到攻击或 骚扰,幸存者往往感到无能为力. 赋予幸存者权力是很重要的 to make their own decisions about what do following an incident, including decisions 围绕报告和寻求帮助.

如果你是强制性记者,你必须报道任何违反第九条的行为 和/或VAWA问题提交给第九条协调员.




All parties involved in any investigation are allowed to be accompanied to any meeting or hearing as part of these processes by an advisor of their choice to provide support, as long as the advisor is not a fact witness, a staff member in Office of Institutional 公平或bc体育办公室.

As someone who helps the Complainant or 被调查者 navigate the 第九条 resolution process, the advisor is a silent participant during all official meetings with the 机构公平办公室. 这意味着顾问可以在外面提供建议 of these meetings; however, the advisor may serve as an advocate for the person they 正在协助. 此外,他们可能不会代表或代表个人说话. 此外, they may not act in opposition to the university’s policy during the 投诉的解决过程. 顾问不得提供证词,否则 调停或阻挠这个过程. 但是,你可以在任何时候要求休息 during meetings to talk to your advisor, as long as it does not unreasonably impede 会议.

The advisor is someone who is present to help the Complainant or 被调查者 understand the proceedings and to support them in what can be a difficult and stressful 经验. 因此,强烈建议顾问熟悉 调查和解决过程中有效地建议参与者和 在整个过程中准确、适当地指导他们. 第九条协调员 如果有需要,指定人员可以与顾问交谈. 此外, 鼓励顾问审查世界动物卫生组织网站上的信息和资源 这样他们就能更有效地了解大学的流程和程序 协助投诉人或被投诉人.

No. 个人可以选择任何人作为顾问,包括但不限于 to:

  • 另一个人,包括一名学生,没有参与投诉
  • 父母或家庭成员
  • 与投诉无关的教员或行政人员
  • 律师(限一名律师)

If you have chosen an advisor for the conduct process, you must complete the Advisor 指定和授权 表格.

  • 请使用OIE顾问称号 & FERPA同意表格.
  • 雇员:请使用OIE顾问称号.

顾问可以致电世界动物卫生组织办公室,与世界动物卫生组织工作人员讨论程序 禁止歧视、骚扰、不当性行为和报复 政策.

The designation of an advisor does not change how a report of sexual misconduct (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking) will be resolved. 所有通信将直接发送给投诉人或被投诉人. 研究者 reserves the right to postpone an interview or meeting if an advisor distracts, derails, impedes or disrupts any part of the process, and that advisor may be excluded from 参加将来的会议或听证会.

Yes, you may choose more than one advisor; however, only one advisor may attend interviews 或会议. 如果你选择了一个以上的导师或更换导师,这是你的责任 在整个过程中保持更新. 如果您切换顾问,您将需要 提交另一份顾问指定表.



Upon request, the university can provide reasonable interim measures to support Complainants. 第九章协调员,或第九章协调员的指定人 你可以协助安排这类临时措施.  例如,受访者 of an alleged incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking 可以放弃双方都参加的课程而不受任何学术处罚. 


TCU is committed to a fair, unbiased, and consistent learning environment where every student is treated with dignity and respect and is granted all procedural protections afforded by TCU 政策 on Prohibited 歧视, 骚扰 and Related Conduct.

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