
比赛 & 和解倡议




When one decides on an institution of higher education they have two options: a student can go where they are most comfortable or dive into a world where they never imagined 凡事往好处想. 作为少数族裔学生,舒适就意味着参加 一所几乎所有人都像你的学校,HBCU. 我们作为有色人种的学生 一直处于劣势,而在TCU,我们不应该这样. 比如社区奖学金 Scholars, minority students from the area get the opportunity to attend TCU, but not without receiving denigrating stares from other students, derogatory comments, and 来自同伴的低期望. 在努力的同时,也有一种疏离感 to maintain a high grade point average and remain involved on 校园 creates unnecessary 从长远来看,这些负担会伤害学生. 鼓励包容 our 校园 and to change attitudes towards minorities on this 校园, we have a thorough 我们希望看到实现的需求列表.

学生 of all colors have recognized the disadvantages that certain groups have experienced on this so called, "inclusive" 校园 and frankly we are tired of it. The mission of TCU is "To educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community," but how is this enforced? 学生 and faculty go around 校园 spewing microaggressions and expecting students of color 假装所做的事情是可以接受的. 现在是2016年,改变吧 姗姗来迟.

We are prepared to provide more information and work with administration directly bc体育这些要求的实施. 用开放的沟通方式,解决问题 能做吗,会做吗. 作为学生,认识到我们对……的感情是我们的责任 权力和工作来实现变革. 我们在这方面花了很多心思 the demands and are passionate about change, we can only hope that you, and fellow 政府成员将和我们一样,对变革持开放态度.

下面列出的要求不分先后. 如果我们没有听到bc体育 our demands within 20 days, various forms of escalation will take place until some 如果不能满足我们所有的要求.




It is our goal to elevate the people of color on bc体育's 校园 by promoting empathy through cultural education, and creating truly ethical leaders in the global community by ensuring that black people are fairly represented and heard 由政府.


We have started by compiling a list of demands crafted with careful consideration based on concerns voiced on TCU's 校园 and 校园es around the nation. 然而, 这仅仅是个开始. 通过这些需求以及制作视频信息 that finally voices the many (often ignored or unheard) grievances that people of color have on TCU's 校园, we plan on shifting the issue of race from "dialogue" 到切实的行动. 我们将不惜一切代价确保文化的存在 这个校园里的黑人受到认可和赞赏. 最重要的是,我们寻求 educate this 校园 of the cultural origin and struggles that make black people who 他们正在积极地努力将人们的无知转变为意识.


  1. We demand that TCU revise the Code of Conduct to reflect a zero-tolerance policy for 种族歧视和仇恨言论. 这将包括开发和实施 protocol that will appropriately handle instances of hate speech as well as hate crimes 涉及技大学生. 为了做到这一点,我们建议学生领导多样性/包容性/ Accountability board be created to focus on all issues of racial insensitivity on 校园. The board will focus on initiating 校园-wide conversation on diversity and inclusion on TCU's 校园 as well as holding students, faculty and staff accountable 为不敏感.
  2. We demand that TCU increase faculty of color by at least 10%, in addition the retention 这些教员的比率将保持在75%以上. (以反映德州的人口)
  3. We demand that all TCU faculty, staff, and students attend a sensitivity training with a trained professional during orientation that focuses not only on racial and anti-Semitic intolerance but also micro-aggressions in order to maintain diversity 和包容.
  4. We demand accurate annual reports that reflect TCU's progress in terms of increasing diversity, not solely based on locations but also race in incoming classes as well 作为所有教职员工的多样性.
  5. We demand a spark of meaningful dialogue- administrators and student media outlets must use existing communication channels to start, continue, and deepen our discussion of racism and ethnocentrism through conversations during orientation and throughout 核心课程. 在核心课程中,注重文化意识的培养 专门为世界文化和人民的意识.
  6. We demand a 100 million dollar endowment to further support minority students, and make TCU a more fiscally feasible option through non-athletic scholarships offered to low-income high schools not included within the realm of Community Scholars, and the creation of a multicultural center that is for students and by students.
  7. We demand that a department of diverse studies are created along with an Ethnic Studies 这门课程将成为所有学生的核心课程要求. 我们也要求 a rigorous reevaluation of the courses that currently fulfill 核心课程's diversity requirement, led by a board comprised of faculty of color who would be compensated 对于这项服务.
  8. We demand that TCU create a Greek-life diversity task force to implementing a mandatory cultural sensitivity training, with a trained professional, for all students considering 希腊的生活.
  9. We demand housing for members of both the Multicultural Greek Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council, as they are a vital part of diversity on this 校园.
  10. We demand the establishment an Asian American studies major and a Native American studies major, because they are representative of people both in the state of Texas 及以后.
  11. We demand a university-funded speaker series, that focuses on diversity and how we 能否更好地在校园内实施和庆祝.
  12. We demand that TCU hire a Chief Officer of Diversity and Inclusion in charge of overseeing 本文件中列出的课程和项目.
  13. We demand that the flag be lowered when people of color around the nation are murdered 被本该保护和服务的人杀害.
  14. We demand that the students involved in the implementation of these demands, and the faculty and staff supporting them, do not suffer negative repercussions as they engage 在这个过程中,系统和文化发生了变化.
